P7-S1 Transition - Provisional Enrolment Step 1 (Secondary)
S1 Provisional Student Enrolment using SEEMIS Provisional Enrolment preparations will be processed, completed and sent from primary schools to secondary schools by 31st March. If secondary schools would like the records sent earlier please request this from the primary schools. Once the records are sent from the primary school, secondary schools can import all the student details, such as emergency contacts, medical information and latest attendance data into their Click+Go. If it is later discovered that a student will no longer be attending your secondary school that had been previously indicated, the secondary school must be advised of this so that the student record can be rejected. Only when the secondary school has rejected the student can the primary school change the leaver details to the new destination school (see Section 2 On Rejecting Record back to Primary School) ##1. Importing P7 Records into Provisional Enrolments Application - Admissions & Leavers - Admissions - Accept/Reject Provisional Enrolment This screen displays any students awaiting provisional enrolment.
1. Click on appropriate student or, alternatively, highlight more than one student 2. Select ‘Choose start date for selected student’. This should be start of term. (This may default to the SEEMiS default date of 12th August but this can be corrected when confirming enrolments in August when the students arrive in school) 3. Select ‘Choose a stage for selected student’. (This MUST be Primary 7 so that students can be imported into S1 in Next Year’s COS & SETTS). 4. Click ‘Assign Start Dates’, this will populate the start date for the selected student(s). A pop up window will be displayed. 5. Click the ‘Success’ and ‘Fail’ tabs to view ‘Start Date Assignment Results’
6. If successful, Click ‘OK’ 7. A ‘Select Data to Transfer’ box pops up.
Click on ‘Continue’ to transfer data. The selected student(s) will be provisionally enrolled in the school with appropriate start date assigned. 8. Click the ‘Success’ and ‘Fail’ tabs to view ‘Provisional Enrolment Results’
If successful, Click ‘OK’ ##2. Rejecting Record back to Primary School If it is later discovered that a student will no longer be attending your secondary school that had been previously indicated, the student record must be rejected back to the primary school. (Only for P7 pupils before 5th July. If a secondary school requires to reject a record after the 6th July please contact the MIS Team for advice)
There is no need for primary schools to carry out a ‘2nd export’ in July. Secondary schools can obtain up to date data on the P7 pupil records by refreshing provisional data. Please see P7-S1 Refresh of Data Step 2 - Secondary instructions.
Do not change any student data until students are fully enrolled as any changes will be lost following the full enrolment of the students.
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